Is it possible to lose weight once you enter the menopausal years?

As we age we can hold on to fat more than we did when we were younger, especially around our middle due to the changes in our hormones. However, this does not mean you cant lose weight. We know this as we’ve helped 1000’s of menopausal females lose weight with our 21 day kickstart program. It’s more important than ever before to exercise as we get older and eat the right diet! Women over the age of 40 should follow an anti-inflammatory diet and this is exactly what the BootyFit 21 day kickstart program is about.

I know I wont like the food as I’m a fussy eater?

We hear this so often. Prior to starting the program females often tell us that they’re fussy eaters, vegetarian or there are certain foods they cannot stand (and they usually mimic someone gagging as they explain this!) This is an easy one to answer as we have over 200 recipes, so if you don’t like certain foods on your food plans we are always on hand to offer alternative recipes.

Will I be hungry?

Lots of people find they’re eating more than usual on this plan, as you’ll have breakfast, lunch, dinner and anywhere between 1 and 3 snacks a day. Eating more to lose weight, that cant be bad! However, some people do feel hungry (and in honesty I did when I first followed it) but it’s only while your body adjusts to it. As a nation we often overeat, so it may take approx. 3 days to adjust to your new way of eating, but we promise it’ll be worth it and once the adjustments have settled in hunger will be a thing of the past.

Diets don’t work?

You’re right lots of diets don’t work, not that I’d know as I’ve never followed a diet in my life. We see the 21 day kickstart program as an eating plan rather than a diet and a reminder of how we should be eating for optimal weight and health. This program is based on speeding up your metabolism so your body burns calories more efficiently making it easier to lose weight and keep it off. It’s also about eating a balanced, healthy, variety of foods that wont leave you feeling hungry but rather reminding you of how you should generally be eating.

I know I wont stick to it?

This one’s impossible for us to answer as mindset is a personal thing, however one of my favourite sayings is ‘Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re probably right’ I also think it’ll be so much easier to stick with it when you know your WHY. The deep rooted reason WHY you want to lose weight, be healthier, increase your confidence etc.

I’ve got a social gathering planned during the 21 days?

Lots of people join the program knowing they have something planned during the 21 day kickstart program whereby they’ll find it impossible to stick to it. If you wait for a clear run, when you have no social events there’d never be the right time would there? So long as you stick with the principles we know you’ll be delighted with your results and if you’re eating out you can even upload menu’s so we can suggest the best options.

I don’t think it would work for me as I need to actually see someone so they can keep me accountable, it’d be too easy to cheat if it’s online

Wrong! This is not an automated online programme unlike many other online programmes. BootyFit Trainers interact with you on a daily basis, we have your back 24/7 throughout the programme, it’s literally like having your very own PT for a fraction of the price! (I know as I was a Personal Trainer for years) You also become part of an online tribe of other females just like you completing the program.