BootyFit Weight Loss Club

Where you’re at?

  • You’re female over 40, feeling tired and finding weight loss harder than it used to be. You’ve probably tried ‘every diet out there’ & are starting to think they don’t work.
  • But it’s not just the weight, you want more energy and the confidence to do more with your life.
  • You want to take control of your health, but don’t know where to start…..

How we can help:

Firstly, BootyFit is not a diet. There aren’t any magic pills or shakes, this is a lifestyle that will not only guarantee you lose weight but you wont put it back on at a later date.

We don’t just look at the food, we have 4 pillars for success – Food, Movement, Accountability & Mindset, as each of these are integral for long-term change.

Our clients (aka BootyFitters) love the simplicity of the program and the way it makes them feel not just the weight they lose. We’ll have you eating healthy, nutritious, tasty meals that are quick and easy to prepare. We give you everything you need to succeed and as it all takes place online you can contact us 24/7! (don’t worry you wont need any tech skills for this)

It all starts with a 21 day kickstart program where we guarantee you’ll lose 9-14lbs (we’re so confident we’ll happily refund your money if you don’t) At the end of this 21 day period you’ll have the option to stay with us as a monthly member.

We only open our doors at the BootyFit Weight Loss Club 3 times a year but also run a free challenge several times a year to help you shift the pounds

For dates & details of our next 21 day program please enter your details below: