I had a hysterectomy in 2017 & guessing I was menopausal read lots of blogs, joined lots of groups, did lots of reading & even a course to become a menopause coach.

Is it just me, or is most of the information out there painting a picture of doom & gloom for us!?

It doesn’t have to be this way…..there are lots of bonus’s to this time of life.

✔️Thankfully unlike years ago, we get to live the other half of our life once we’re menopausal. This is a time to reinvent yourself.

✔️We usually feel more content with who we are and where we’re at in life…..not constantly striving to be something or someone different.

✔️May not be rich, but generally have a little more cash in the bank than we did years ago.

✔️We know how to enjoy the simple things in life and be present in the moment.

I wanted to share this, as it should be viewed as the next exciting stage of our lives

I fully appreciate this can be hard when you’re struggling with symptoms. Before I got mine sorted I was suffering with brain fog, fatigue and aching joints & muscles.

But when we read all the negative stuff it can have an effect on us and I just want you to know that it can also be a really exciting time too….if we want it to be.

Remember, nothing has meaning, except the meaning we give it.